Wigilia Bez Granic 20 – prezentacja tradycji Bożonarodzeniowych w formie filmików / Christmas Without Borders 2020 – presentacion of Christmas traditions in form of short movies.

This video suggests that a good idea is to share with our international guests how to prepare Christmas cookies or how to prepare Christmas dishes. In Polish tradition, we have twelve dishes on Christmas Eve table that symbolize the fruits and goods of the earth and the twelve apostles connected to Christians.

This episode tells about Christmas Eve traditions. Did you know that in the Christian tradition during Christmas Eve we do not eat meat?
In this material you will learn more curiosities and facts about the Christmas Eve. We invite you to watch.

This video introduces another Christmas Eve tradition such as decorating a Christmas tree in the morning. The tradition of sharing the wafer is also shown. If you want to learn more about Christmas Eve traditions, be sure to watch this video.

In the video, you have at least 10 reasons why you should participate in the Christmas Eve without borders. If you still hesitate, you should see it.

In this episode, you will find general information on Christmas Eve without borders. You will deepen your Christmas vocabulary with Polish customs and traditions connected. You will learn what, for example, a “kulig” known as “sleigh ride”.

In this video, a missionary priest from Malawi, Africa, talks briefly about a Christmas Eve without borders. We invite you to watch.

In this video, a missionary priest from Malawi, Africa, tells us why he attends a Christmas Eve without borders. We invite you to watch.

In this episode, a Muslim who does not celebrate holidays in his culture tells why it is worth participating in the Christmas Eve without borders. We invite you to watch.

Andrzej from Poland tells why it is worth taking part in the Christmas Eve without borders. We invite you to watch.

Here you will see our event in Polish media. Małgosia and Bhavik from India talk about a Christmas Eve without borders. We invite you to watch.

Bhavik, who is once again participating in the Christmas Eve without borders, tells about why it is worth participating in this event. We cordially invite you to watch.